GTC Bright Stars
It's important to celebrate success, no matter how big or small. Our 'Bright Stars' page exists to feature those students and staff in our community are kicking goals in life and have made us proud through their studies, sport, community or otherwise.
Student Work
GTC students are always producing great work. For your reading pleasure we have compiled an assortment of their best.

Torren - June 2024
Torren has been receiving support from our fantastic tutor, Isis, this semester & has made tremendous progress across all areas during our most recent testing cycle.
Spelling +1.8 years
Reading +1.1 years
Comprehension +1.9 years
Maths 36% score increase

Benji - June 2024
Benji has been attending 1:1 tutoring at GTC since the start of the year and has made great progress with reading and comprehension.
In our most recent testing cycle Benji had the following improvements:
Reading +1.4 years
Comprehension +1.3 years

Annalyse - June 2024
Annalyse has been receiving support from our tutor, Lal, this semester at GTC.
Annalyse has made excellent progress in Maths, getting a result of 80% in our latest testing cycle.
Well done Annalyse, we are so proud of you!

Sofiya - June 2024
Sofiya is a long-term student of GTC and has always been a diligent and hardworking one.
Sofiya is receiving support for English and Maths from our tutors Caitlin and Lal.
In our most recent testing cycle Sofiya improved her spelling age by a huge 1 year & 7 months.
Sofiya also made significant improvements in Maths this semester.
We look forward to supporting Sofiya further on her learning journey & helping her reach her academic goals.

Vincent - June 2024
Vincent has been a student at GTC for a few years now and has received support from various tutors during his time with us. Vincent consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards learning, always putting in the effort and completing his work with enthusiasm.
Vincent has made huge progress this year in all learning areas. Keep up the fantastic work!

Shiloh - June 2024
Shiloh comes to GTC every week with a smile on her face and an interesting story or two about her week. Shiloh has been getting support for English and Maths from our tutor, Caitlin, this year and the most recent testing cycle has shown that Shiloh has made improvements in all areas of testing.
Reading +1 year 5 months
Comprehension +1 year
Spelling + 5 months
Well done, Shiloh on the huge improvements you have made. Keep up the good work.

Sunisha - June 2024
Sunisha has been a student at GTC for a couple of years now & has received support from various tutors. Her current tutor, Caitlin, is supporting Sunisha with Maths and English. We’ve really enjoyed watching Sunisha’s confidence grow throughout the time she has been attending sessions with us. In our most recent testing cycle, Sunisha made huge improvements in all areas of English testing.
Reading: + 1 year
Comprehension: + 1 year 6 months
Spelling: + 7 months
Sunisha also got great results in her Maths assessment this cycle. We look forward to continuing working with Sunisha and helping her grow that confidence even more to maximise her learning potential. Well done Sunisha!

Aiden - June 2024
Aiden, the comprehension king! Aiden has improved his comprehension skills by almost two years this testing cycle.
Aiden’s hard work and positive attitude towards his learning have paid off. We look forward to continuing to support Aiden in reaching his learning goals this year.
Aiden has also had considerable improvements in reading, spelling & maths this year. Good on you Aiden!

Joanna - March 2024
Joanna is a returning student to GTC this year and has been on an amazing journey with us. We couldn't be prouder of her progress, especially in Maths! From tackling complex problems to mastering addition, subtraction, and simple division, Joanna's dedication and hard work have truly paid off.
We're honoured to be a part of her learning journey. Keep reaching for the stars, Joanna!

Stella W - February 2024
Stella was a returning student this year at GTC. From the beginning of her time at GTC Stella has been determined and hard working & we are delighted to see this pay off.
Stella has been working with Caitlin since last year and has made huge improvements in both Maths and English during her time at GTC. Stella is now working at above age-level in English Comprehension and is continuing to work hard towards reaching her targets in spelling & reading.
Congratulations Stella on all your hard work & we look forward to witnessing further success in your academic journey!

Therese N - December 2022
Therese has had a killer year! We love to witness our students' success and are so proud of Therese's end of year assessment results.
- Maths + 2 years (approximate)
- Spelling + 3 years 1 month
- Reading + 1 year 5 months
- Comprehension + 1 year 5 months
Therese is one of our long attending students. Whilst she originally joined us to work towards grade level targets in literacy and numeracy, she is now confident and on track academically.
We look forward to seeing what she is capable of next! Go Therese!

Stella M - December 2022
During our most recent testing cycle, Stella improved by a massive 2 years and 7 months in Spelling. Congratulations!

Mansukh P - December 2022
Mansukh also achieved fantastic results, improving by 1 year and 2 months in both Reading and Comprehension. Well done, Mansukh!

Drish T - December 2022
Drish is a long-attending GTC student, having been enrolled at GTC for approximately 4 years. During that time, Drish has been supported by multiple tutors as he worked towards achieving age-level outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
At the end of Year 6, Drish was able to participate in the Level 6 maths assessment. In GTC's English assessments, he achieved some impressive results;
- Spelling + 2 years 2 months
- Reading + 1 year
- Comprehension + 1 year 2 months
Drish has recently begun his high school journey. Our Generalist Tutor, Ann, is now supporting Drish as he learns the skills needed to succeed in Year 7.
Havana C - December 2022
Every week, Year 5 student, Havana arrives at GTC with truckloads of personality and enthusiasm. She often brings along her laptop and school homework tasks to receive advice from her tutor. As with many of our clients, GTC has a long-standing relationship with Havana's family. Previously, her younger brother has also attended tutoring for assistance with reading.
During end of year testing, Havana achieved 82% in the Grade 5 maths test, revealing that she now has a solid grasp of age-appropriate maths concepts. In her Reading, Havana improved by 1 year and 3 months. She is now performing above age level in this area.
We are looking forward to supporting Havana again next year, as she navigates her final year of primary school. Congratulations on all of your hard work!

Dean P - December 2022
This is Dean's second time to be featured as a GTC Bright Star! We have really enjoyed watching his progress throughout the time he has been attending sessions with us. Dean has been supported by Lal for approximately 2 years now.
Dean's recent six monthly testing results indicated the following improvements in English;
- Spelling + 2 years
- Comprehension + 1 year 8 months
Shortly Dean will begin his high school journey. At the centre, this means he will change tutors and be placed with someone who will support him with completing assessment tasks and preparing for the demands of high school study patterns.
Jasper W - December 2022
Jasper is a very switched-on guy, who came to Griffith Tutoring Centre seeking a boost in confidence and to consolidate some areas of his learning that needed revising. He has always shown enthusiasm and made the most of his sessions by asking his tutor many questions and accepting the challenge of completing activities from higher levels. When he was in Year 6, Jasper was already gaining experience using Year 7 mathematics textbooks. Jasper has worked with multiple GTC tutors during his time at GTC, including Dani, Fabienne and Ann.
Jasper's commitment was rewarded when he achieved outstanding results in his end of year learning assessments. He achieved 96% in his Year 6 level test, proving his readiness for high school. In English, his Spelling and Reading results were above age, and he improved by more than 1 year in Comprehension. Well done!

Tim and Liliana D -
December 2022
Our favourite twins have been making some impressive improvements lately!
In our end of year testing, Liliana demonstrated approximately 12 months improvement in her maths results. She can now say that Maths is one of her strengths!
On the other hand, Tim performs better in English. Tim's learning assessments showed an improvement of 2 years and 7 months in Reading and 1 year and 7 months in Comprehension.
We are so impressed with the progress of these two! Big congrats guys!

Temalisi A - December 2022
Temalisi has been attending sessions at our centre on and off for over a year, with the aim of improving her literacy and numeracy skills. She is currently in Year 4.
Temalisi resat her GTC learning assessments at the end of Semester 2 and made excellent improvements in all English areas;
- Spelling +2 years
- Reading +1 year 1 month
-Comprehension + 2 years 4 months
Temalisi is also commended for her positive attitude to tutoring. She always arrives with a smile and lots of stories to share with her tutor and other staff. It is a pleasure to have her here.
Sofiya H - December 2022
Sofiya is a long-standing student of Griffith Tutoring Centre and continues to enjoy her time with us. She is often the first to arrive for her session and always has a big smile for the GTC staff.
Once again, this semester Sofiya has reaped the benefits of her positive attitude towards learning. She has made massive growth in the area of reading, improving her score by 2yrs and 7mths during a six-month period of tuition.
In 2023, Sofiya will be increasing her enrolment to two sessions per week, so that she can spend time addressing English and Maths separately and ensure that she continues to make the growth required for her to be ready for high school in 2025.
Well done, Sofiya! You deserve a big pat on the back!

Dante S - December 2022
Dante was a returning student this semester. Is his time at GTC, he has worked with multiple tutors and made consistent improvements across a variety of key learning areas.
At school, Dante now works in one of the higher-level Mathematics groups. According to some of our other students who attends school with Dante, he is the one to beat! Dante has, once again, achieved some wonderful results in our six-monthly testing cycle, achieving 97% in his recent GTC maths test. He will take the test at a higher level early next year.
Dante also made significant improvements in Spelling this semester and is progressing towards age-level targets in all areas of English.
Marley R - December 2022
This is Marley's second semester in a row to be featured as a GTC Bright Star, and that is because she is absolutely killing it at high school!
Tutoring at GTC has taught Marley the art of responding to assessment tasks. She takes every assignment seriously and often sees them as a chance to exercise her imagination. Marley is discovering a new-found passion for writing each time she steps through the process of research, drafting and editing.
Her commitment and willingness to trust the advice of her tutor has resulted in some impressive results. Recently, she made fantastic progress in her Mathematics Exam by achieving 78% and was awarded 96% for her English Script Writing Assessment Task, where she wrote an epic tale about teenagers discovering a haunted house.
Excellent work Marley! We can't wait to see what you are capable of next!

Arya R - December 2022
Arya is in her 5th year of tutoring. She is a dedicated Year 5 student who usually attends multiple times a week as she is hopeful of attending a selective school for her secondary education. Arya has always been a quick-thinking, high-achieving student, which was reflected this GTC testing cycle where she achieved the following above age level results;
- Grade 6 Maths 92%
- Spelling 13yrs 9mths
- Reading <13yrs
- Comprehension 13 years
Arya has already asked her tutor if she can begin work on Year 7 algebra in 2023. There is no doubt that she will be high school ready.
Well done, Arya! You should be proud of your efforts and positive attitude.
Jackson D - July 2022
Jackson has been receiving tuition support on and off for a few years. He comes back to us whenever his learning needs a bit of a boost.
Last time we saw him, he worked on developing his English skills and improved so much that he received a Reading Award at school.
This time, Jackson joined us to focus on his Mathematics. After 5 months of hard work, Jackson made a 38% improvement in his Learning Assessment results. The best part of this for us, was being able to witness his sense of achievement.
He is now ready to tackle Maths at the next level. Well done Jackson, we look forward to seeing what you can do next!

Blake S - June 2022
Blake is a bright student who has been attending GTC for around a term. His initial learning assessments showed weaknesses in both literacy and numeracy. The individual attention he received at tutoring helped him to clarify his understanding and build
confidence quickly.
Blake's recent learning assessments showed the following improvements;
- Maths +19%
- Spelling +10mths
- Reading +1yr 7mths
- Comprehension +1yr 2mths
Congratulations Blake! Keep up the fantastic work!
Apurv P - June 2022
Apurv has been attending tutoring with Dani since his family moved to Australia around 4 years ago. Learning to speak, read and write English was his first priority.
This term, Apruv has been working tirelessly on his Poetry Assessment for Year 7 English. His efforts were rewarded with an A -- the only one awarded in his class. We are so proud of how far he has come!

Dante S - June 2021
Dante joined GTC in February to focus on developing his skills, particularly in the areas of writing and spelling.
He achieved the following results in the latest round of learning assessments;
- Comprehension +2yrs 1mth.
- Maths +25%
- Spelling +1yr 8mths
- Reading +11mths.
What a little legend!
TJ - June 2022
TJ is a Year 3 student who has been working with us to improve his literacy and numeracy skills for two terms. He is a quiet, independent student who has performed especially well in English testing areas.
- Comprehension +1yr 10mths.
- Reading +1yr 2mths.
Not only has TJ's mum noticed an improvement in his abilities but she also received positive feedback from his teacher at school! What a great outcome!

Imogen S - June 2022
Imogen is a friendly student, who has been attending tutoring since the beginning of the year. She receives general assistance with English and Mathematics. Imogen and her sister attend one session a week together. They always arrive smiling and ready to learn.
Imogen showed considerable improvement in her spelling this testing cycle, making 11 months' worth of progress within 4 calendar months.
You go girl!
Shiv B - June 2022
Shiv has been enrolled at GTC for 14 months. Whilst his progress was initially slow, the structured nature of his sessions and a lot of hard work on his behalf have started to imbed the habits he needed in order to thrive in his learning.
This semester, Shiv has shown considerable progress;
- Comprehension +1yr 2mths.
- Maths +28%
- Spelling +8mths
- Reading +1yr 2mths.
Congratulations Shiv... We hope you give yourself a big pat on the back!

Aotearoa F - June 2022
Aotearoa is a Year 10 student who has been attending tutoring with our Secondary Maths Tutor, Jasmeet, for two terms.
Aotearoa is gifted with the natural ability to do well across most of her subjects at school. She appreciates the clarity and challenges that tutoring provides.
In her last maths test, Aotearoa achieved a result of 37/40. Well done!
Hunter N - June 2022
Hunter, who is in Year 2, has been enrolled at Griffith Tutoring Centre for 4 months. He joined us to receive support in both English and Maths.
Hunter's improvements in the latest round of learning assessment results have blown us away;
Comprehension: +3yrs 2mths
Reading: +1yr 4mths
Maths (End of Grade 2): 75%
On top of this, Hunter has progressed 6 reading levels in his program at school.
Well done Hunter!

Marley R - June 2022
Marley is a Year 8 student who has been receiving generalist support from multiple tutors at GTC for about 18 months. During that time, she first concentrated on improving her literacy and numeracy skills. Since beginning high school, support has centred around assessment preparation, homework and study habits.
Recently, Marley received results that reflect how hard she has been working. We would like to congratulate Marley on achieving 27/30 in her HSIE Vikings and Shoguns assessment. Go Marley!
Kade V - May 2022
English: '50 Shades of Beige' Narrative - 14/15
HSIE: Euroley Beach Research Action Plan - 52.5/55
Kade's successes are a result of much hard work on his part and a few key strategies that he always uses;
* Begin assessment tasks as soon as they are handed out.
* Arrive at tutoring prepared for the session and with a goal in mind.
* Always seek feedback from tutors and school teachers.
* Ask heaps of questions.
* Treat assessment tasks as though you are doing it as your job (Writing a magazine article on Japanese food? How would a food critic do it?)
* Use model texts as examples.
Knowledge of these strategies, and the skills needed to apply them, are some of the benefits of consistent tutoring.

Kingston F - December 2021
Yet another example of why we love doing what we do:
"Look at him: so proud of how far he had come. Thank you Dani."
Kingston's mum sent these photos to us yesterday after his presentation ceremony at school, where he won an award for improvements in reading.
Kingston is in Year 2. When he began tuition with us in February, he had difficulty remembering all of the sounds from the alphabet and was unable to connect them to form simple words. The first six months of tuition involved a very positive attitude and much hard work on Kingston's side, and oodles of patience from both of us, as we made slow progress.
However, during the most recent six months, Kingston's achievements in learning have been phenomenal. He is now reading more fluently, can sound out many four and five letter words and has an ever-expanding bank of sight words in his vocabulary. Our recent testing data indicates that his reading has advanced 1 year, 4 months during this time. In 2022, Kingston will continue to work towards Year 3 standards.
Just look at that smile! Well done Kingston!
Wilmari L - December 2021
Wilmari has been attending GTC twice a week for 8 months. When she joined us, Wilmari’s family had recently moved to Griffith from South Africa and she was struggling to adjust to classes being taught in English at school.
Wilmari is a cheerful, enthusiastic student. She has made solid friendships with the other children who attend the centre and has a productive relationship with her tutor and other GTC staff.
Wilmari has made significant progress in her education this year and is now much closer to achieving Year 4 outcomes. We are so proud of her positive attitude and persistent efforts this semester: Maths (+<1yr), Spelling (+1yr, 6mths), Reading (+2yrs, 3mths), Comprehension (+<2yrs).
Well done Wilmari!

Nag K - October 2021
Nag is a current Year 5 student who has been attending Griffith Tutoring Centre since Term 1 of 2021. During that time, he has worked with several different Primary and Generalist tutors; Dani, Lal and Caitlin. Nag has proven himself to be an enthusiastic and motivated learner.
Nag's end of year testing demonstrated that he is now performing well above age in areas of both English and Mathematics and, that over the course of the past twelve months, he has made the following improvements;
Reading + 1 year, 11 months
Spelling + 4 years, 7 months
Mathematics 66% (End of Grade 6 Test)
​Comprehension and writing will now become the focus of Nag's future tuition sessions. He is to be congratulated on his hard work and success in 2021.
Jarra H - December 2021
Year 8 student, Jarra, has been attending GTC for approximately a year and a half. He is a positive and hard working student. The main aim of Jarra’s tuition has been to improve his foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
Jarra is to be congratulated on his achievements in the following areas this semester: Reading (+2yrs, 7mths), Comprehension (+2yrs, 1mth).
​Jarra's guardian is super proud of his efforts (as are we!) and has commented that he has had a phenomenal year at school. Mathematics will now become the main focus of Jarra's future tuition sessions.
Keep up the wonderful work, Jarra!

Arya, Madison and Isra - December 2021
Year 4 students, Arya, Isra and Madison, all attend tutoring together. They usually work on a combination of individual and group tasks during their sessions. All three girls are developing into mature learners who frequently participate actively in discussions about their learning and are developing strategies to increase their confidence and independence.
​Their end of year testing showed some impressive achievements this semester:
Arya—Spelling (+1yr , 8mths), Comprehension (+1yr, 3mths).
Isra— Spelling (+1yr, 2mths), Comprehension (+1yr).
Madison— Comprehension (+1yr, 8mths)
Dean P - November 2021
Year 5 student, Dean, has been working hard at tutoring to improve his English and Maths skills. Recently, his efforts to improve his times tables were recognised by his school. We love it when our students are celebrated in their community! Well done Dean!

Sofiya H - November 2021
Sofiya has been attending Griffith Tutoring Centre for the past twelve months. During that time, she has worked with multiple tutors. Sofiya's intake assessments indicated a need for improvement across all areas of literacy and numeracy.
Every week, Sofiya arrives to her session with a smile, ready to work hard. Recently, she provided us with her NAPLAN results which showed that she is moving closer to grade average in all areas. Outstandingly, Sofiya performed literally off the charts in the Grammar and Punctuation section of the test. She is extremely proud of her efforts, as are we. This achievement has had an obvious impact on her self-confidence in learning. Big congratulations Sofiya!
Kade V - March 2021
Kade has been receiving tuition support from Dani for more than 3 years. When he began in Year 5, he was falling behind due to low confidence in his abilities, especially concerning maths.
These days, as a high-achieving Year 9 student, Kade has been heard to say such things as "I love maths now!" and "Geography is just so good!"
Last week, Kade's HSIE report on Biomes received a mark of 52/55. His writing style has evolved beyond his years. We are super proud of his achievements!
Kade's story is a great example of how a positive attitude and productive student-tutor relationship can impact a student's academic success.